Who am I ?


The “La” in the DiLa Aum

I have a strong understanding of humanity based on Responsibility & Empowerment                           

As a practitioner, I have a responsibility to facilitate and empower clients with self-healing and their journey back to wellness. I do so by educating my clients, as much as possible, to make healthier lifestyles choices and not just react to dis-ease. 

My service to you
I work holistically on the body, mind, spirit and use a range of healing techniques to deliver treatments that are specifically tailored to your individual needs. 

I aim to assist you in changing and releasing underlying destructive beliefs and negative behavioural patterns for a happy and healthier future. I will help you regain and maintain your zest for life, help restore your health and well-being and feel excited about your present and future by living the life you want!

What I do ?


We believe that when you do things with passion magic happens!

What is Meta Health Analysis?

This is a technique that allows us to take you back to the original UDIN (unexpected, dramatic, isolating and no strategy trauma). Which can come from a variety of causes usually in the first 7 years of our lives (includes in the womb).

It is not usual or mainstream and means looking at your ‘symptoms’ in a whole new way. It can be a challenging perspective to take on board, but, once you have a clear knowledge you will find that it makes total sense and will see your ‘symptoms in a whole new light.

We are able to go right back to the origins of an illness this way. This also allows us to understand our body in a more holistic way and get an insight into how the body never lies.

A tool I use most of the time in order to allow a more direct way of accessing the beliefs, themes and issues that replay in your life.


Sessions: 60 minutes                     Fee: £150

What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT is a simple self-help tool using a combination of ‘meridian points’ technique. By ‘tapping’ on specific points around the body, gently, whilst focussing on the pain or emotion it is effective for clearing away many unwanted ailments, illnesses, traumatic emotions, phobias, states of mind and physical issues. This is done by tapping on a series of meridian points, a non-invasive technique, not unlike acupressure, or acupuncture, without the needles. The beauty of this way of working with illness is that it does not work with your mind, therefore you do not need to believe in the process for it to work. So for those of you full of doubts mainly due to having experienced let downs in your past choices…we welcome you to see for yourself.

Initially, we introduce EFT and how it works during the first free consultation. This is important so that you as a client understand what happens, how and what your involvement is. The only prerequisite is that you believe you want to heal and want to take charge of that process. We facilitate your return to wellness in whatever area you wish to work on. We believe in our clients’ empowerment…long term.

We give tuition, for free, as we ask you to take responsibility of your health and life. You are given tools to use when you are not with us for every day clearing of any new upsets, traumas or psychological issues.

Sessions: 30 minutes                    Fee: £50

What is Matrix Reimprinting?

Matrix reimprinting goes deeper than EFT, again using tapping technique but allowing you to revisit the original trauma, clearing the pain/issues and healing it. This then is replaced with a new, happier memory. Effectively changing the past and reimprinting it to change the future. This is highly effective especially for those constantly reliving past issues…suffering from chronic or serious disease, experiencing negative life patterns.

This is an effective healing technique and has a profound way of removing life ‘triggers’, inside and outside, so that you can move forward and live a normal, happy and healthy present and future.

Both EFT and Matrix Reimprinting clear the blocks (past traumas) within your meridian, emotional bodies and auric fields. That has been proven to have a direct effect on illnesses; causing the physical body to clear illnesses previously untreatable or recurring… permanently.

They are very effective on virtually all forms of illnesses, chronic conditions, psychological, physical, clinical, allergies, addictions known to humanity. Also, far reaching as each individual embarks on a new life in to wellness…holistically.

Sessions: 90 minutes                    Fee: £125

What is Soul Retrieval?

Many of us do not realise that we have soul parts missing. This means that when we see therapists and counsellors, they are talking to the aspects that are there, not the aspects that are missing. The issue with this is that after a while, we become disassociated with the trauma.

Eventually, the soul aspects that are missing will affect our lives… but be unreachable. Highly distressing for most as it seems as though we have a glitch from addictions to behavioural issues like hyperactivity and scattered memory as well as forgetfulness.

For those who need soul retrieval (soul parts that have jumped out due to trauma). This is a fabulous technique. I learned shamanic soul retrieval many moons ago and combine this with the fulsomeness of matrix Reimprinting.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient healing technique. It is essentially a way of harnessing the divine energies. It allows us to use our own energy with specific symbols to send healing energy either directly (hands on) or using distant healing. I use this method without actually targeting specific areas as a rule.

I connect with your higher self and allow the body to decide where and how it wants to use the energy although I do occasionally target specific areas.

I feel strongly… that unless you have learned and understood the reason for your symptoms, it is not ok to clear it without your understanding of it as a lesson in your life. This means that you will possibly have to go through this lesson again because the lesson has not been learned.

That is not beneficial to anyone and therefore, using Meta health analysis with this helps you have an understanding of why this has happened to you and the lesson allowing you to be able to do a clean clearance of the issue permanently… and no karmic slaps!

Sessions: 40 minutes                    Fee: £50

The Balance Procedure

These are very powerful cards that combine reiki, colours, sacred geometry, zodiac, gemstones, numerology, 5 elements, physical aspects of the body and planetary aspects.

They are used for a variety of things from aligning you with your year path, life path, balancing the system/energy field, clearing health symptoms and aligning ourselves to our partners, family, dreams, wish lists and goals.

This is a tool that keeps giving indefinitely. Worth the 40 minutes it takes for us to balance the system. I would go as far to say that it is a fantastic gift of love to give anyone as it works for all areas of life and is simple to use.

Sessions: 40 minutes                    Fee: £95 (includes book and cards)

Rife Technology

This is frequency technology that tunes in to the frequency of the separate organs in the body that you have an health issue with such as kidney, liver, stomach issues, mental health, depression, physical pains… endless uses and can be used across any distance.

Raymond Rife was the inventor of the Rife machine. He was also the inventor of the microscope that all hospitals worldwide use. An impressive man who left a legacy of wellness to mankind.

I use the Rife technology as part of a treatment. I feel it deals with the presenting health issues but I also like to go to the root of the issues using a variety of techniques in conjunction with it.


This I usually charge around £50 unless it is being used as part of a session where I will charge £10.

Music Therapy

This is a form of healing that uses frequencies that align with the different organ frequencies of the body and energy fields. I use chakra tuning forks during sessions whenever needed. It allows an easier access to the blocks especially attuned to the chakras.

Also chanting your name or OM. This has a lovely soothing effect on the energy field. This usually causes a sense of wellbeing at the end of the sessions.

I use this both in one to one or online… I do not usually charge because I use it as part of a session.

The exception is when I do Indian Head Massage and use in the therapy (one to one therapy).

the dating game

This is a little game that gives huge impact on our self-knowledge, beliefs and themes. I use this initially with you so that we can get a deeper insight into what beliefs and themes we are running in our lives that cause us much negative patterns and upsets.

Once you have completed this session, you will have a clear understanding of recurring patterns and of course the life themes you may want to clear as soon as is possible.

The impact is usually a clearance of all of those negative beliefs which effect health, how others treat us, how your world has been operating.


Sessions: 40-50 minutes                              Fee: £50

ancestral clearing

Ancestral energy brings with it a huge amount of life issues. This usually is carried down generation after generation. This comes in many forms which are usually in the term ‘like father like son’ or ‘like mother like daughter’. This can come in the form of repeating history, illnesses, lifestyles and of course serious illness like breast cancer etc.

This is because the trauma is carried down generation after generation… which is usually called genetic. In truth, most illnesses are carried down mostly through belief that it will also happen to you because each previous generation has had it.

The power of thought, belief and fear is powerful… this can manifest whatever it is we are worried about. Most people do not realise the power of belief. The work here is important as when it is cleared from you, it is cleared from every generation including any children after the clearing is done.

Bradley Nelson has a beautiful system The Emotion Code and The Body Code. I use the Emotion Code basic chart as a stand-alone as one of the first sessions. Then do this with you for other work. It is fabulous as it allows you to clear away stuff that is inherited leaving you in your own energy… this can come from past lives and current life lessons

Sessions: 40 minutes                    Fee: £60

Awakening Coaching

This is a process that allows you to understand who you Truly are. Not just the being that you see. I take you through your own ‘Beingness’. This encompasses your body system, lifestyle blocks, themes, effects of beliefs. I also am doing some video modules to share so that I do not have to keep repeating the sessions in the same way.

This also means the information is available to all. I look forward to making them and uploading.

All that I do is from a place of love, peace and stillness. I am an empath so if I seem emotional please know that I am feeling your energy… sometimes hours before our session. I am usually linked spot on.

This allows me to focus on you and have a little more clarity as to the issues you may be experiencing.

Sessions: 45-60 minutes                              Fee: £120

Angel Card and Rune Readings

This is the equivalent of tarot readings but using divine angel cards. This gives us an insight into what is happening and what is before us. I tend to do these on request.

Sessions: 30 minutes                    Fee: £50

Additional Tools

Wherever possible, for those of you who are interested in learning self-help tools, I am happy to share. For those of you that get to a stage where you want to study any of the techniques, I am happy to point you in the right direction for bonafide courses.

Sessions: 30 minutes                    Fee: £00

I look forward to talking to you and wish you much love, peace and joy in your world.